Teen Advisory Group (TAG)

2024 Research Report

A Youth Participatory Action Research Project


JOIN US as our 2024 TAG Researchers present their data.

Click here for the full report.

2024 TAG Participant/Presenters


  • TAG is a project-based Youth Participatory Action Research (YPAR) program designed to raise the voices of teens and ignite their advocacy in discovering youth mental health solutions.

  • For the 2023 – 2024 school year, participants must be high school students who live in San Luis Obispo or Santa Cruz counties.

  • It is anticipated that participation in TAG will earn between 10-15 community service hours.

    Upon the successful completion of TAG, students will be given a certificate of completion from Center of Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CCAMH).

    You are solely responsible for following your school’s procedures in having those hours approved and accepted by your school or instructor.

  • Students will need to commit to meeting for 1.5 Hours a week for eight weeks starting February 2024 through April 2024.

  • Yes, this program is completely free.

  • Yes, feel free to encourage friends to apply. We would welcome their participation!

  • TAG activities may be conducted virtually or in person. Participants will need to have access to a phone or computer that will allow them to attend virtual meetings, if needed, and communicate with their peers via text or email.