The First Generation Center

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For First-Gen Teens

Why is this important? Teens from first-generation immigrant families (First-Gens) often struggle with anxiety and depression, but getting mental health help can be really tough. Immigrant families sometimes can't afford it, and there can be language and cultural barriers too. Plus, some families think therapy is taboo. That's why CCAMH wants to help.

If you're a First-Gen teen feeling isolated, anxious, or down, CCAMH is here to support you. You don't have to go through this alone, and there are people who understand and want to help you feel better.

Sophia Lagattuta - MCP Senior, CCAMH Youth Advisory Boardmember

“First-generation teen struggles are real. Immigrant parents are anti-help, they don’t believe mental health is an issue. We need support groups for First- Gen teens.”

Join a Drop-In Session

Join a First Gen Drop-In Session: CCAMH is hosting monthly Zoom Drop-In groups where you can simply drop-in and hear from an expert in mental health for immigrant youth, ask questions (anonymously if you’d like), connect with peers, share your experience, and learn how to cope better. These groups focus on different topics like suicide, eating disorders, and anxiety. You will find that you are not alone, there are many other teens and young adults from first-generation immigrant families who would like to offer support and guidance. All are welcome, but you must sign up in order to get the Zoom link.

Sign up here!

Nathaniel McDonald - AGHS Junior, CCAMH Youth Advisory Boardmember

“People don’t understand mental health severity. It’s life or death. Being a part of a youth advisory board gives us the potential to help and come up with legitimate solutions”

Join a Youth Advisory Board

You can learn about outreaching to your peers, conducting surveys, and using social media to help others find support. You can also get trained to be a First Gen peer mentor!

Apply Here!